La Cabra

This week we’re extra excited to introduce the coffee because it will be a Nordic Style Coffee first. La Cabra is providing us with a coffee from Mexico, a country we haven't served yet! The coffee is from the region Chiapas close to the Guatemalan border. Bourbon, Caturra and the native variety Garnica. Washed, clean and a clear representation of the terroir in the area. In the cup we’ll find ripe fresh, stone fruit.

Bag of speciality coffee from Swerl Coffee Roasters on a counter

Explore – Learn – Discover

We would like Nordic Style Coffee to become a meeting place for people passionate about specialty coffee.
We are constantly exploring new coffees and what makes them good. We believe in curiosity, learning, and the joy of discovery, whether you're joining us at the bar, using our app, or brewing at home.

Save your coffee experiences

Right now we are building the necessary app for all of us who believe that coffee is… important. It will enable us to:

  • Save your coffee experiences
  • Analyze your data and find out what you really like
  • Find the best coffee experiences
Collage of screens showcasing a coffee app

Experience Coffee of the Week at home

While we would love to have you join us in Malmö to explore the Nordic coffee scene, we understand that is not possible for everyone. That is why we have crafted the Coffee Club, with Coffee of the Week – bringing the essence of Nordic style roasting directly to you, no matter where you are.

Box with three bags of specialty coffee on a counter. Hand reaching for one of them.

Our laboratory in Malmö

Our coffee bar in the heart of Malmö serves as our laboratory and showroom for Nordic style roasting. Here we also serve and sell Coffee of the Week.

Opening hours & location

08 - 18 on weekdays
Djäknegatan 9, Malmö, Sweden

Man brewing coffee in a minimalistic coffee bar.

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